Posts Tagged ‘non-tech’

“We give you the ancient methods of grassroots democracy, combined with the latest digital networked communications, running live and free 24 hours a day”…That’s the tag line of, a website providing free online hosting of public petitions for responsible public advocacy.

Petitions of all sorts are registered here then put for public opinion and signature collection and then the petition is sent to the “whomsoever concerned”. Ranging from “helping a local television” to freeing the terrorist leader Ayatollah Boroujerdi, they have already collected 78 million signatures. Not a bad figure at all.

Though its not assured that someone would ever care for that petiton, its a good means to project a public opinion. Nowadays many corporates and even governments are making use of this means to do their opinion polls and surveys. Afterall it comes for free. So if u have a petition asking Microsoft to go opensource, then why wait,post it right now…

Recruitment for ISRO

Posted: April 25, 2009 in personal
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Indian Space Research Organization is hiring.They are looking for 300 engineers and guess what the recession presented them, over a hundred thousand applications. Now they have short listed around 40-45 k applications and tomorrow we are gonna go for the battle. The first round-technical aptitude test.And for those who qualify,its an interview waiting them.So please wish me all the best.